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EMS System Review 2019



The Ventura County EMS Agency is initiating a process to review the County’s ambulance system in advance of the expiration of the existing ambulance service agreements on June 30, 2021.

The EMS Agency has procured the services of a contracted coordinator to assist with this process and we also plan to conduct a system wide ambulance assessment, using an independent outside consultant. With input from all local stakeholders, the assessment will seek to analyze the current ambulance system and make recommendations for system improvements designed to optimize patient outcomes within a feasible cost structure. The assessment will also seek to identify current system strengths and weaknesses, system demographics and financial design, and the costs, risks and benefits of our available options, which will be to negotiate new contracts with our existing grandfathered emergency ambulance service providers or to hold a competitive process to modify the existing system and seek new applicants for the provision of emergency ambulance services. Ultimately, the results of the assessment will be presented to the Ventura County Board of Supervisors, who will decide on the direction for future ambulance service agreements.  

Stakeholder Meeting Agendas

Stakeholder Meeting Presentations

Working Group Agendas

Working Group Minutes

EMS System Review: RFP and Contract

Final Report

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